Thursday, July 30, 2015

Side Effects of Zoloft (SSRI) vs Side Effects of Klonopin (Benzodiazapine)

I have had first hand experience (been a guinea pig) for both of these chemicals for over 2 years each.  I have not experienced all these side effects.  Any negative side effects I have experienced have been from the SSRI drug Zoloft.  I have also experienced mild negative side effects from Klonopin.  Speaking as an individual, the lesser of the two evil chemicals (although they have been life saving and miracle drugs for me at times and for many others) is Klonopin, while Zoloft has been a mahority of negative side effects with very few benefits, although it did get me through a very difficult period in the spring and summer of 2014, but after 4-5 months on the medication the side effects became too much and the crisis in my life had passed.  I believe my depression and suicidal thoughts were/are not clinical, they are strictly situational.  I don't expect to find any practicing psychiatrist who gets a nice kickback/compensation for writing prescriptions for SSRI's such as Zoloft and a hefty list of other anti-depressants. 

Here are the two lists comparing the side effects as well as the severity of said side effects of these two medications.

ZOLOFT (Representing SSRI's)
List Zoloft side effects by likelihood and severity.
From the kook random website written by crazy paranoid conspiracy theorists,
The following side effects are associated with Zoloft:
(TOTAL – 99) 44
Common side effects of Zoloft:
1. Altered Interest in Having Sexual Intercourse Severe
2. Inability to have an Erection Severe
3. Sexual Problems Severe
4. Chronic Trouble Sleeping Less Severe
5. Diarrhea Less Severe
6. Dizzy Less Severe
7. Drowsiness Less Severe
8. Dry Mouth Less Severe
9. Excessive Sweating Less Severe
10. Feel Like Throwing Up Less Severe
11. Feeling Weak Less Severe
12. Gas Less Severe
13. Head Pain Less Severe
14. Involuntary Quivering Less Severe
15. Loss of Appetite Less Severe
16. Low Energy Less Severe
17. Stomach Cramps Less Severe
18. Weight Loss Less Severe
Infrequent side effects of Zoloft:
19. Abnormal Increase in Muscle Tone Less Severe
20. Acne Less Severe
21. Anxious Less Severe
22. Backache Less Severe
23. Chest Pain Less Severe
24. Easily Angered or Annoyed Less Severe
25. Feeling Restless Less Severe
26. Hair Loss Less Severe
27. Heart Throbbing or Pounding Less Severe
28. Incomplete or Infrequent Bowel Movements Less Severe
29. Increased Hunger Less Severe
30. Indigestion Less Severe
31. Inflammation of the Nose Less Severe
32. Muscle Pain Less Severe
33. Nervous Less Severe
34. Pain Less Severe
35. Problems with Eyesight Less Severe
36. Temporary Redness of Face and Neck Less Severe
37. Throwing Up Less Severe
38. Weight Gain Less Severe
39. Yawning Less Severe
Rare side effects of Zoloft:
40. A Feeling of Restlessness with Inability to Sit Still Severe
41. Abnormal Liver Function Tests Severe
42. Acute Kidney Disease Severe
43. Angle-Closure Glaucoma caused by Another Disease Severe
44. Atrioventricular Heart Block Severe
45. Behaving with Excessive Cheerfulness and Activity Severe
46. Bleeding of the Stomach or Intestines Severe
47. Cataracts Severe
48. Decreased Blood Platelets Severe
49. Deficiency of Granulocytes a Type of White Blood Cell Severe
50. Diabetes Severe
51. Discharge of Milk -Men or Women when Not Breastfeeding Severe
52. Extrapyramidal Reaction Severe
53. Feeling Anger Toward Something Severe
54. Fever Severe
55. Giant Hives Severe
56. Having Thoughts of Suicide Severe
57. Hemorrhage Severe
58. Hepatitis caused by Drugs Severe
59. High Blood Sugar Severe
60. Hives Severe
61. Inflammation of Skin caused by an Allergy Severe
62. Itching Severe
63. Life Threatening Allergic Reaction Severe
64. Liver Failure Severe
65. Low Amount of Sodium in the Blood Severe
66. Low Blood Counts due to Bone Marrow Failure Severe
67. Lupus-Like Syndrome Severe
68. Mild Degree of Mania Severe
69. Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome Severe
70. Nosebleed Severe
71. Pancreatitis Severe
72. Prolonged Q-T Interval on EKG Severe
73. Rapid Ventricular Heartbeat Severe
74. Rash Severe
75. Reaction due to an Allergy Severe
76. Seizures Severe
77. Serotonin Syndrome - Adverse Drug Interaction Severe
78. Slow Heartbeat Severe
79. Spasms of Blood Vessels that Supply the Brain Severe
80. Stevens-Johnson Syndrome Severe
81. Sudden Blindness and Pain Upon Moving the Eye Severe
82. Underactive Thyroid Severe
83. Vasculitis Severe
84. Very Rapid Heartbeat - Torsades de Pointes Severe
85. Blood Pressure Drop Upon Standing Less Severe
86. Breast Tenderness Less Severe
87. Difficulty Swallowing Less Severe
88. Dilated Pupil Less Severe
89. Discolored Spots and Small Elevations of the Skin Less Severe
90. Excessive Thirst Less Severe
91. Hemorrhage of Blood Under the Skin Less Severe
92. Hyperactive Behavior Less Severe
93. Numbness Less Severe
94. Problem with Periods Less Severe
95. Sensation of Spinning or Whirling Less Severe
96. Skin Discoloration Less Severe
97. Small Reddish-Purplish Pin-Point Sized Spots on the Skin Less Severe
98. Sun-Sensitive Skin Less Severe
99. Tooth Decay Less Severe
KLONOPIN (Representing Benzodiazapines)
List Klonopin side effects by likelihood and severity.
The following side effects are associated with Klonopin:
(TOTAL – 73 SEVERE – 31)
Common side effects of Klonopin:
1. Muscle Weakness Severe
2. Dizzy Less Severe
3. Drowsiness Less Severe
4. Slurred Speech Less Severe
5. Uncoordinated Less Severe
Infrequent side effects of Klonopin:
6. Confused Severe
7. Feeling Restless Less Severe
8. Feeling Weak Less Severe
9. Low Energy Less Severe
Rare side effects of Klonopin:
10. Abnormal Liver Function Tests Severe
11. Abnormally Low Blood Pressure Severe
12. Anemia Severe
13. Blood Disorder Severe
14. Cannot Empty Bladder Severe
15. Cannot Focus Thoughts Severe
16. Decreased Blood Platelets Severe
17. Decreased Neutrophils a Type of White Blood Cell Severe
18. Decreased White Blood Cells Severe
19. Deficiency of Granulocytes (A White Blood Cell) Severe
20. Depression Severe
21. Extrapyramidal Reaction Severe
22. Falling Severe
23. Giant Hives Severe
24. Hallucination Severe
25. Having Thoughts of Suicide Severe
26. Hemolytic Anemia Severe
27. Increased Eosinophils in the Blood Severe
28. Itching Severe
29. Life Threatening Allergic Reaction Severe
30. Liver Problems Severe
31. Loss of Memory Severe
32. Periods of Not Breathing Severe
33. Problem Behavior Severe
34. Rash Severe
35. Reaction due to an Allergy Severe
36. Seizures Severe
37. Significant Decrease in Lung Function Severe
38. Inappropriate Antidiuretic Hormone Secretion Severe
39. Yellowing of Skin or Eyes from Liver Problems Severe
40. Abnormal Dreams Less Severe
41. Aggressive Behavior Less Severe
42. Altered Interest in Having Sexual Intercourse Less Severe
43. An Increase in the Secretions of the Lungs Less Severe
44. Blurred Vision Less Severe
45. Delirium Less Severe
46. Diarrhea Less Severe
47. Difficult or Painful Urination Less Severe
48. Difficulty Speaking Less Severe
49. Dry Mouth Less Severe
50. Easily Angered or Annoyed Less Severe
51. Excessive Thirst Less Severe
52. False Sense of Well-Being Less Severe
53. Fast Heartbeat Less Severe
54. Feel Like Throwing Up Less Severe
55. Feeling Faint Less Severe
56. Head Pain Less Severe
57. Hiccups Less Severe
58. Incomplete or Infrequent Bowel Movements Less Severe
59. Increased Production of Saliva Less Severe
60. Involuntary Eye Movement Less Severe
61. Involuntary Quivering Less Severe
62. Irritation of the Stomach or Intestines Less Severe
63. Loss of One's Own Sense of Reality or Identity Less Severe
64. Muscle Spasm Less Severe
65. Nervous Less Severe
66. Over Excitement Less Severe
67. Paranoia Less Severe
68. Complex Natural behaviors while Asleep Less Severe
69. Pink Eye Less Severe
70. Problems with Eyesight Less Severe
71. Sensation of Spinning or Whirling Less Severe
72. Taking Habit Forming Drugs Less Severe
73. Throwing Up Less Severe

Monday, July 6, 2015

Alvalanker in the Operating Room back in 2007 when life was still good and fun.

Opinions On Greece Debt Crisis

The Greek situation is what happens when Liberal Socialist politicians take control of a country. Look at Venezuela, for instance, and their economy. Like Greece, unemployment is high; at least Venezuela has oil to sell. And it is still in economic distress. The "laws of economics" remain in full force, and no politician has, or will be able, to repeal or even modify them. Either Greece must come up with a plan that will allow repayment of the existing debt, or sink. "Throwing goods money after bad" is not a viable solution for the rest of Europe. When Greece did not pay their loan payment last Tuesday? where is that "not spent" money? They refused a debt. So they should have lots of money and nowhere to spend it. Where is that "lost money"? Where is the real - hard money that the pensioners paid in day by day, month by month, year by year out of paychecks with real cash? Where is all that money? Before everybody announces another "bank holiday"? how about giving everybody back the money that is theirs - that was never agreed to become security on loans they never agreed to and did not want. Where is their money? Erase the fake "interest-laden" loan papers? where are the millions in real cash paid to the pension fund? If the EU "tapped the till" and took the real money and now want to pretend there wasn't any? where there was - very real money. The whole world watches the EU become more and more "red-faced" as they are seen as the snitches who took money not theirs, faked interest loans on it but never "secured" the real money back to the lenders? The lenders of all that real money are supposed to get it back. Germany? can pretend the real money is "forfeit"? why? because Germany wants it? That's not good enough. I wish we could dissolve the IMF, or at least not use US taxpayer money to fund it. The IMF is just another left wing organization - and the IMF makes ridiculous mistakes not only regarding the countries it lends to but also by not placing more effective fiscal terms on borrowing nations. Whatever happens, I hope massive rioting and bloodshed will be involved and broadcast on the internet to provide me with maximum entertainment.