As alarming as this information may be to most people, it is information that should be known and spread among every citiezen of the world.
When I first heard about these experiments and really did some research, my entire outlook on life and the role of government changed. It's like finding out that your spouse has been doing sinister things behind your back and living a double life. My government is guilty of crimes against humanity but they will never be put on trial and will never have to answer for it.
Thanks to the Freedom of Information Act, the documents that were not destroyed have been released and are available to the public. They are not hard to obtain on the internet in .pdf format, and can also be viewed on webpages. MKULTRA has indeed been brought to the attention of th epublic in 1975 by US Congress, but most of the documents pertaining to the experiments were destroyed. However, over 20,000 documents did survive and are avaialable to the public. The sad thing is, the government has made a strong committment to ensuring that very few people who were born after 1975 do not learn about MKULTRA in school and are not easily exposed to the information. Nobody in the US Government was ever held responsible.

If you want to inform yourself about the things the US government (and likely every other government on this planet) doesn't want you to know, you can read all about the MKULTRA project here.
People need to be informed about the atrocities world governments have committed upon their own citizens without their knowledge. Spread the word and inform yourself.
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