Saturday, April 11, 2015

Half Asleep Depressed, Feeling Sorry For Myself Rant with Chenoa One Night in New Jersey (While She Was in Washington State)

(He...) sounds like a depressed recluse like me, but somehow I pulled myself out of it on many occasions (with the help of drugs that flood the brain with seratonin or GABA or dopamine) and accomplished a lot, got laid a lot, and had a lot of memorable times...then it gets depressing when I'm back locked away in my "Bat Cave" looking back on those memories wondering how its possible that I will ever experience those things again....make money, that's how, according to all logic that I've gathered on how to survive in this day and age and be happy as a young adult (although i'll be 30 in 2 years...I'm not a young adult anymore)but so are all my friends, including you, you're coming down with the ship right alongside me lol. Just a fucked up time, everyone is still learning how to live in the "real world" and be sociable and interact on a physical level, while at the same time being totally consumed and fascinated by all this technology that disconnects us from the "real world"

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