Thursday, June 6, 2024

I Am A Statistic In These Categories - THANKS DADDY!

## Prevalence of Fatherlessness

- **General Statistics**: Approximately 24.7 million children (33%) live absent their biological father. Nearly 20 million children (27%) live in single-parent homes.

- **Demographic Breakdown**: 57.6% of black children, 31.2% of Hispanic children, and 20.7% of white children live absent their biological fathers.

## Economic Impact

- **Poverty**: Children in father-absent homes are almost four times more likely to be poor. In 2011, 12% of children in married-couple families were living in poverty, compared to 44% of children in mother-only families. Children living in female-headed families with no spouse present had a poverty rate of 47.6%, over four times the rate in married-couple families.

## Educational Impact

- **School Performance**: Children in grades 7-12 who have lived with at least one biological parent and experienced divorce, separation, or nonunion birth reported lower grade point averages than those who have always lived with both biological parents. Father involvement in schools is associated with a higher likelihood of a student getting mostly A’s.

## Behavioral and Emotional Health

- **Behavioral Problems**: Children living with married biological parents had significantly fewer externalizing and internalizing behavioral problems than children living with at least one non-biological parent.

- **Drug and Alcohol Abuse**: Fatherless children are at a dramatically greater risk of drug and alcohol abuse. 75% of all adolescent patients in chemical abuse centers come from fatherless homes, which is ten times the average.

- **Mental Health**: Children from fatherless homes are more likely to suffer from health and emotional problems. Boys are more likely to become involved in crime, and girls are more likely to become pregnant as teens.

## Long-term Consequences

- **Crime and Incarceration**: Boys from fatherless homes are more likely to become involved in crime.

- **Teen Pregnancy**: Girls from fatherless homes are more likely to become pregnant as teens.

- **Educational Attainment**: 71% of high school dropouts are fatherless.

## Social Perception

- **Public Opinion**: According to 72.2% of the U.S. population, fatherlessness is the most significant family or social problem facing America.

## Impact of Limited Step-parent Involvement

- **Emotional and Social Dynamics**: Having a stepfather who is limited in his role due to the dynamics of divorce and parental guidance can create a unique set of challenges. While a stepfather may provide support and care, the lack of full paternal involvement can still lead to feelings of awkwardness and emotional gaps.

- **Support and Stability**: A stepfather who does his best under constrained circumstances can still offer significant emotional support and stability, which can mitigate some of the negative impacts associated with fatherlessness. However, the limitations imposed by the situation can prevent the stepfather from fully functioning as a father figure, potentially leaving some needs unmet.

These statistics and insights highlight the profound impact that the absence or limited involvement of a biological father can have on a child's development and well-being, extending into adulthood with long-term consequences. The presence of a stepfather, while beneficial, may not fully compensate for the absence of a biological father, especially when his role is restricted by the circumstances of divorce and family dynamics.

Monday, June 3, 2024

The Future of Israel-Palestine if the US Supports Palestine and Destroys Israel - Hypothetical

 What I think the best geopolitical and military move in the best interests of the United States at this point in time, is for the US to support Palestine and destroy Israel, making the US heroes to most of the world and to all the Palestinian people.  The US will then have the capabilities of establishing another foot in the Middle East, to eventually take its resources before the Russians or Chinese get them which is currently a race that is speeding up and will ultimately come to a climax in the somewhat near future, and will be able to have the Palestinian population at its mercy and essentially enslave them into a proletariat class as  is being done in the US and was in the USSR.  This could possibly massively improve quality of life for Americans living in the homeland, if the taxpayer money from the Palestinians, who will have to pay taxes to the US, are sent back to the USA and used to improve the infrastructure of the country and quality of life for all including wild life and nature.  The Palestinians, Iran, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Iraq and other strong countries in the Middle East could join the USA in a coalition to fight against communism and prevent Russian and Chinese expansion on the map of the earth. 

Random Thoughts on State of the United States and War in Gaza Between Israel and Palestine

  I am watching now, after just watching Donald Trump be found guilty of 34 felonies after being POTUS from 2016-2020 and losing the 2020 election in a controversial event, leading to the Jan 6th event which the media and pop culture call "Storming the capital" or "The insurrection" and using words like "violent" which are all untrue, I saw it myself and I am here to document that that did not happen, people entered peacefully into the building, escorted by guards and police officers, and then a few people broke a part of a desk in the room and did some very minor cosmetic damage to the interior of the structure, and there was no riot considering there were so many people in one place at one time, they actually behaved very compliant. 

But now I am  watching this about Israel and Palestine trying to come to a cease fire agreement which will most likely be futile because the two powers truly hate each other and want to destroy each other with passion and it doesn't seem it can be solved any other way than massive bloodshed, which is happening, and has happened throughout the decades since 1947.  I believe the Jews are in control of the United States intellegencia and elite powers and thus they control most of the world and what happens to humanity and its trajectory.  The Israelis were attacked on October 7th 2023 and about 1200 people were killed.  since then, Israelisrael has carried out full scale air and missile attacks, bombings, and infantry taking territory of Palestine and forcing the population to move to very inadequate refugee camps and have to rely on imports from the US and other countries to survive.  They are being genocided by the state of Israel under Netanyahu, who in my opinion is trying to play the role of Adolf Hitler and have his time for the Jews to do some damage and have some glory in history but it really is just a pathetic manufactured charade because they were only established because of the help of the UN after the UK wanted nothing more to do with the state of Israel because it was essentially too much of a burden for them to deal with and worry about.