Monday, June 3, 2024

The Future of Israel-Palestine if the US Supports Palestine and Destroys Israel - Hypothetical

 What I think the best geopolitical and military move in the best interests of the United States at this point in time, is for the US to support Palestine and destroy Israel, making the US heroes to most of the world and to all the Palestinian people.  The US will then have the capabilities of establishing another foot in the Middle East, to eventually take its resources before the Russians or Chinese get them which is currently a race that is speeding up and will ultimately come to a climax in the somewhat near future, and will be able to have the Palestinian population at its mercy and essentially enslave them into a proletariat class as  is being done in the US and was in the USSR.  This could possibly massively improve quality of life for Americans living in the homeland, if the taxpayer money from the Palestinians, who will have to pay taxes to the US, are sent back to the USA and used to improve the infrastructure of the country and quality of life for all including wild life and nature.  The Palestinians, Iran, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Iraq and other strong countries in the Middle East could join the USA in a coalition to fight against communism and prevent Russian and Chinese expansion on the map of the earth. 

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