Thursday, October 25, 2018
Bombs Being Sent to George Soros and Trump Critics
Someone sent a bomb to George Soros, allegedly, unfortunately it didn't kill him. I think he is an evil person and should be killed, just my opinion. He funds Antifa and is funding a lot of pro Globalist movements and disinformation/misdirection campaigns. He is a slug that needs to be buried in salt.
Notice how almost all of the headlines read "Trump Critics Receive Bomb Threats" and not a word about George Soros because the left is embarrassed to be associated with him lol. He is a pariah but he is one of the only people with enough money and power to help keep funding the Leftist anti-Trump movement. Hopefully someone snipes his ass.
Wednesday, October 24, 2018
Khashoggi Murder Made to Force Saudis to “Buy American”, Not Russian S-400 - REPLY
Here is the text from the original article, from the link above:
The response of the Trump administration and many U.S. politicians to Khashoggi’s disappearance is largely being guided by the military-industrial complex — in this case Lockheed Martin — but masquerading as a response motivated by “human rights.”
The disappearance and alleged murder of Saudi journalist and Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi continues to strain relations between the United States and Saudi Arabia. On Saturday, President Donald Trump warned the Saudis of “severe punishment” if the Saudi government was found to have been responsible for the journalist’s alleged murder.
The Saudi government has vocally denied any involvement even though Khashoggi disappeared within the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul and responded to Trump’s threats by vowing an even “stronger” response if the Gulf monarchy is ultimately targeted by the United States. The exchange of threats caused Saudi stocks to sustain their biggest one-day loss since 2016 when trading opened and has brought the upcoming three-day Future Investment Initiative (FII) in Saudi Arabia much unwanted negative publicity.
However, there is considerable evidence pointing to the fact that the U.S.’ response to the Khashoggi affair is likely to be determined, not by any Saudi government responsibility for Khashoggi’s fate, but instead whether or not the Saudis choose to follow through with their promise to purchase the $15 billion U.S.-made THAAD missile system or its cheaper, Russia-made equivalent, the S-400. According to reports, the Saudis failed to meet the deadline for their planned THAAD purchase and had hinted in late September that they were planning to buy the S-400 from Russia instead.
While the U.S.’ response to the alleged murder of the Saudi journalist is being cast as a U.S. government effort to defend press freedom and finally hold the Saudi government to account for its long litany of human-rights abuses, there is every indication that the U.S. is not in fact seeking to punish the Saudis for their alleged role in Khashoggi’s apparent murder but instead to punish them for reneging on this $15 billion deal to U.S. weapons giant Lockheed Martin, which manufactures the THAAD system.
Khashoggi’s disappearance merely provided a convenient pretext for the U.S. to pressure the Saudis over abandoning the weapons deal by allowing the U.S. to frame its retaliation as a “human rights” issue. As a result, it seems likely that, if the Saudis move forward with the latter, the U.S. and the Trump administration the Saudi government guilty of involvement in Khashoggi’s disappearance while, if they move forward with the former, the media frenzy and controversy surrounding the Saudi national will likely fizzle out and, with it, Trump’s threats of “severe punishment.”
Ultimately, the response of the U.S. political class to the Khashoggi affair is just the latest example of a U.S. government policy being motivated by the military-industrial complex but masquerading as a policy motivated by concern for “human rights.”
Why the sudden concern over the Saudi government’s atrocious human rights record?
As the Khashoggi saga has drawn on since the Saudi journalist disappeared earlier this month, some observers have noted that the corporate media and the U.S. government’s sudden preoccupation with Saudi Arabia’s human-rights record, particularly in regards to journalists. Indeed, just last Wednesday, Reporters Without Borders (RSF) announced that 15 Saudi journalists and bloggers had been arrested over the past year and noted that “in most cases, their arrests have never been officially confirmed and no official has ever said where they are being held or what they are charged with.”
In addition, Saudi Arabia has helped kill tens of thousands of Yemeni civilians in the war it is leading against that country, with most of those civilian casualties resulting from the Saudi-led coalition’s bombing campaign that routinely targets civilians. The Saudi-led coalition’s blockade of food and medicine into Yemen has also brought the country to the brink of famine, with nearly 18 million now at risk of starving to death — including over 5 million children, while thousands more are dying from preventable diseases in the country.
While murdering a journalist by “hit squad” in a diplomatic compound on foreign soil — as is alleged to have Khashoggi’s fate — would certainly set a dangerous precedent, Saudi Arabia leading the genocide against the Yemeni people is arguably a much worse precedent. However, little concern over the Saudis’ role in this atrocity in Yemen has been raised by those pushing for action to be taken against Saudi Arabia over Khashoggi’s “inhumane” fate. So, why the sudden concern?
Despite it being a well-known fact that the Saudi government routinely imprisons journalists and activists and is leading a genocidal war against its southern neighbor, the Trump administration has now adopted a harsh tone towards the Saudis, with concerns over Khashoggi’s disappearance serving as the “official” excuse.
Indeed, Trump told CBS’ 60 Minutes during an interview broadcast on Sunday that
“there’s something really terrible and disgusting about that if that were the case [that Saudi Arabia had been involved in Khashoggi’s murder], so we’re going to have to see. We’re going to get to the bottom of it and there will be severe punishment.”
Other powerful figures in the U.S. political establishment have called for dramatic action to be taken against the Saudi government, particularly the Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBS). For instance, John Brennan, former CIA Director under Obama and current cable news pundit, lobbied in a recent Washington Post op-ed to dethrone MBS for his alleged role in Khashoggi’s fate.
Brennan also notably called upon the U.S. to impose “immediate sanctions on all Saudis involved; a freeze on U.S. military sales to Saudi Arabia; suspension of all routine intelligence cooperation with Saudi security services; and a U.S.-sponsored U.N. Security Council resolution condemning the murder.”
Another prominent figure in Washington pushing for action to be taken against the Saudis over Khashoggi’s disappearance is Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC). Graham recently stated that there would be “hell to pay” if the Saudi government was found to be responsible for Khashoggi’s disappearance and alleged murder. Notably, the top contributor to Graham’s 2020 re-election campaign is U.S. weapons manufacturer Lockheed Martin.
Given that human-rights concerns among the U.S. power establishment have only emerged after the disappearance of this one journalist and such concerns regarding the Saudis other grave human-rights abuses continue to go unvoiced by these same individuals, something else is likely driving Washington’s sudden concern over alleged Saudi state-sanctioned murder.
So what has protected the Saudi government from U.S. retribution over its repeated human-rights abuses in the past? Though Saudi Arabia’s vast oil wealth is an obvious answer, a recently leaked State Department memo revealed that U.S. weapon sales to the Gulf Kingdom were the main and only factor in the Trump administration ’s continued support for the Saudi-led coalition’s disastrous war in Yemen. Those lucrative weapon sales, according to the memo, led Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to “rubber stamp” the Saudi-led coalition’s bombing campaign in Yemen despite the fact that the coalition has continued to bomb civilian buses, homes and infrastructure in recent months.
If the Saudis were to back away from a major, lucrative deal with U.S. weapon manufacturers, such an act would likely result in retribution from Washington, given that weapons sales to the Gulf Kingdom are currently the driving factor behind Washington’s “concern” with the Saudi government’s poor human-rights record.
This is exactly what happened and it took place just two days before Khashoggi disappeared inside the Saudi consulate in Istanbul.
The Saudis back out of a US deal and eye the rival’s wares
Last year, President Trump visited Saudi Arabia and praised its crown prince for finalizing a massive weapons deal with the United States at a value of over $110 billion. However, it emerged soon after that this “deal” was not contract-based but instead involved many “letters of interest or intent.” Over a year later, the Washington Post recently noted that many of the planned weapons deals have yet to be finalized.
One of those agreements was the planned $15 billion purchase of the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense System (THAAD), which is manufactured by U.S. weapons giant Lockheed Martin. The deadline for the Saudis to finalize that deal passed on September 30, just two days before Khashoggi’s disappearance on October 2. However, a Saudi official told the Post that the Saudi government is still “highly interested” in the deal but “like any military purchase, there are negotiations happening which we hope will conclude in the quickest means possible.”
Yet, not only has Saudi Arabia apparently backed out of the $15 billion deal to buy Lockheed’s THAAD, it is also actively considering buying the Russian-made S-400 missile defense system instead and has also refused U.S. government requests to disavow its interest in the Russian-made system.
Indeed, on September 21, Saudi ambassador to Russia Raid bin Khalid Krimli stated:
Our cooperation with Russia continues and grows. And during King Salman’s historic visit [to Russia] we have signed 14 agreements that began to be implemented. There were four agreements in the military field; three of them began to be implemented. As for the fourth … there is discussion of the technical issues. Because the system itself is modern and complex.”
The fourth deal to which he alludes appears to be the S-400. The Saudi ambassador also stated the he hoped “nobody will impose any sanctions on us” for making the purchases with Russia — further suggesting that the system he was discussing was the S-400, given that the U.S. sanctioned China for purchasing the system soon before the Saudi ambassador’s comments.
Interestingly, soon after the Saudis’ failure to stick to the planned deal with Lockheed, Trump began to publicly criticize the Saudis for “not paying” their fair share. Speaking at a campaign rally in Mississippi on October 3 – one day after Khashoggi’s disappearance in Istanbul and three days after Saudi Arabia “missed” the Lockheed Martin deadline, Trump stated:
“I love the king [of Saudi Arabia], King Salman, but I said: ‘King, we’re protecting you. You might not be there for two weeks without us. You have to pay for your military, you have to pay.”‘
More recently, this past Saturday, Trump told reporters that he did not want to risk the bottom line of the U.S.’ top weapons manufacturers in determining the Saudis’ “punishment:”
I tell you what I don’t want to do. Boeing, Lockheed, Raytheon, all these companies. I don’t want to hurt jobs. I don’t want to lose an order like that [emphasis added]. And you know there are other ways of punishing, to use a word that’s a pretty harsh word, but it’s true.”
However, if the Saudis do follow through with the purchase of the S-400, Lockheed Martin will lose $15 billion as a result. It will also endanger some of other potential contracts contained within the $110 billion weapons contract that Trump has often publicly promoted. With Trump not wanting to “lose an order like that,” some analysts like Scott Creighton of the Nomadic Everyman blog have asserted that the Khashoggi scandal is being used as a “shakedown” aimed at pressuring the Saudis into “buying American” and to force them to disavow a future purchase of the Russian-made S-400.
Would the U.S. use such tactics against a close ally like the Saudis over their potential purchase of the Russian-made S-400? It would certainly fit with the U.S.’ recent efforts to threaten countries around the world with sanctions for purchasing that very missile defense system. For instance, in June, U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Wess Mitchell threatened Turkey with sanctions if Turkey purchased the S-400. Those threats were followed by the September decision made by the Trump administration to sanction China for its purchase of the S-400 system.
Notably, it was right after China was sanctioned for purchasing the S-400 that the Saudi ambassador to Russia told Russian media that “I hope nobody will impose any sanctions on us” for purchasing the S-400.
However, U.S. sanctions against the Saudis may now be in the works after all, with Khashoggi’s disappearance as the pretext. Indeed, as previously mentioned, former CIA director John Brennan, among other powerful figures in Washington, is calling for sanctions against the Saudi government and Trump himself stated on Saturday that “severe punishment” could soon be in the Saudis’ future.
Yet another piece of this puzzle that cannot be ignored is the fact that Khashoggi himself has ties to the CIA, as well as to Lockheed Martin through his uncle Adnan Khashoggi, one of Saudi Arabia’s most powerful weapons dealers.
Khashoggi’s deep connections to CIA, Saudi Intelligence suggest his “disappearance” may be something more
Following his disappearance, Khashoggi has been praised by establishment and non-establishment figures alike, from Jake Tapper to Chris Hedges, for being a “dissident” and a “courageous journalist.” However, prior to his scandalous disappearance and alleged murder, Khashoggi did not receive such accolades and was a very controversial figure.
As Federico Pieraccini recently wrote at Strategic Culture:
[Khashoggi is a] representative of the shadowy world of collaboration that sometimes exists between journalism and the intelligence agencies, in this case involving the intelligence agencies of Saudi Arabia and the United States. It has been virtually confirmed by official circles within the Al Saud family that Khashoggi was an agent in the employ of Riyadh and the CIA during the Soviet presence in Afghanistan.”
Indeed, Khashoggi doubled as a journalist and an asset for the Saudi and U.S. intelligence services and was also an early recruit of the Muslim Brotherhood. He was also the protégé of Turki Faisal Al-Saud, the head of Saudi intelligence for 24 years, who also served as the Saudi ambassador to Washington and to the United Kingdom. Khashoggi was “media advisor” to Faisal Al-Saud during his two ambassadorships. Notably, Khashoggi became a regime “critic” only after internal power struggles broke out between former Saudi King Abdullah and Turki Faisal al-Saud.
Supporters of King Abdullah accused Khashoggi at the time of having recruited and paid several journalists on behalf of the CIA while he was editor of the leading English-language magazine in Saudi Arabia, Arab News, a post he held from 1999 to 2003.
More recently, Khashoggi strongly supported the Muslim Brotherhood during the “Arab Spring” and backed the Barack Obama/Hillary Clinton regime-change efforts that spread throughout the Middle East, including the regime-change effort targeting Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.
However, under King Salman, the Muslim Brotherhood’s presence in Saudi Arabia came under threat and was suppressed. This led Khashoggi to leave and seek refuge in Turkey.
Perhaps most significantly, prior to his disappearance, Khashoggi was “working quietly with intellectuals, reformists and Islamists to launch a group called Democracy for the Arab World Now.” As Moon of Alabama notes, these projects that Khashoggi was involved in prior to his disappearance “reek of preparations for a CIA-controlled color revolution in Saudi Arabia.”
Not only does Khashoggi share ties to the CIA and the Saudi intelligence services (services that often collaborate), but his family is well-connected to global power structures, including Lockheed Martin.
Indeed, as previously mentioned, Khashoggi’s uncle is none other than Adnan Khashoggi, the notorious Saudi arms dealer who was an important player in the Iran-contra affair and was once Saudi Arabia’s richest man. Adnan Khashoggi was deeply connected to Lockheed Martin, as demonstrated by the fact that, between 1970 and 1975, he received $106 million in commissions from the U.S. weapons giant with his commission rate on Lockheed sales eventually rising to 15 percent. According to Lockheed’s former Vice President for International Marketing, Max Helzel, Adnan Khashoggi “became for all practical purposes a marketing arm of Lockheed. Adnan would provide not only an entry but strategy, constant advice and analysis.”
Adnan Khashoggi also had close ties to the Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan White Houses, with the latter likely explaining why he was acquitted for his role in the Iran-contra scandal. Also notable is the fact that Adnan Khashoggi sold his famed yacht to none other than Donald Trump for $30 million. Trump later called Adnan Khashoggi “a great broker and a lousy businessman.”
Given Jamal Khashoggi’s past and present connections to the CIA and his family’s connections to Lockheed Martin and powerful players in the U.S. political establishment, the possibility emerges that Khashoggi’s disappearance may have in fact been a set-up in order to place pressure on the Saudi government following its decision to renege on its plan to purchase Lockheed’s THAAD system. This theory is also somewhat supported by the fact that the U.S. intelligence community had known in advance of an alleged Saudi plot to capture Khashoggi but ignored its duty (via ICD 191) to warn Khashoggi of the apparent threat against him. Furthermore, the claims that Khashoggi was murdered in the Saudi consulate in Istanbul have — so far — been entirely based on claims from U.S. and Turkish intelligence and no evidence to support the now prevailing narrative of murder has been made public.
If a “set-up” were the case, Khashoggi’s CIA links and his apparent efforts at pushing a CIA-controlled “color revolution” in Saudi Arabia suggest that his disappearance could also have been intended for use as a pretext, not necessarily to punish the Saudis over the S-400, but to remove MBS from his position as crown prince and replace him with former crown prince Mohammed bin Nayef, who was ousted by MBS last year and also holds close ties to the CIA. Such a possibility cannot be ignored.
However, the Trump administration’s willingness to cooperate with the faux outrage regarding Khashoggi is much more likely to be motivated by the weapons-deal drama given the administration’s close ties to MBS.
Of course, it is equally likely that this was not a set-up given that MBS is undeniably authoritarian and relentlessly pursues his critics and perhaps thought that his close relationship with Trump would allow him to act with impunity in targeting Khashoggi. However, MBS’ pursuits of his critics in the past were more readily accepted by the West — like the so-called “corruption crackdown” last December. Either way, the Saudi government’s role in the alleged murder of Khashoggi is being capitalized on by the CIA and other elements of the U.S. political scene and military-industrial complex for its own purposes, as these groups normally turn a blind eye to Saudi government atrocities.
Tracking the political typhoon
Though the U.S. tactic to strong-arm Saudi Arabia seems clear, it is a situation that could dangerously escalate as both MBS and Trump have proven over the course of their short tenure that they are stubborn and unpredictable.
Furthermore, the timing of this situation is also troubling. In early November, the Trump administration’s efforts to punish countries importing Iranian crude oil will take effect and Trump is set to lean heavily on the Saudis to prevent a dramatic oil price increase due to the supply shock the removal of Iranian oil from the market will cause. Notably, the Saudis are working closely with Russia to keep oil prices from spiking.
Is the U.S. willing to risk the dramatic jump in oil prices, which themselves could have major domestic economic consequences, in order to keep the Saudis from buying the S-400? It’s hard to say but the coming battle of wills between Trump and MBS could well have truly global consequences.
Acknowledgment: The author of this article would like to thank Scott Creighton of the Nomadic Everyman blog for his assistance in researching aspects of this investigation.
Whitney Webb is a staff writer for MintPress News and a contributor to Ben Swann’s Truth in Media. Her work has appeared on Global Research, the Ron Paul Institute and 21st Century Wire, among others. She has also made radio and TV appearances on RT and Sputnik. She currently lives with her family in southern Chile.
Tuesday, August 28, 2018
Friday, August 10, 2018
Alex Jones Trying to be Taken Down by Our Corrupt US Deep State Establishment
The Establishment has pressured and ultimately forced mega mainstream media outlets such as YouTube, Spotify, iTunes and Facebook to completely ban Alex Jones and all of his content from his self made news network and corporation, InfoWars.
These media outlets are indeed private entities, but they have transcended that at this point and became a grassroots part of our culture and society and what they've done is utterly fucked up, corrupt, despicable and unconstitutional, and I look forward to this going to the supreme court. They were so desperate to silence Alex Jones that they had to make him a martyr, which just shows how influential and powerful he is, that the corrupt Establishment is threatened by him and has actually forced these massive corporations to take him off their platforms. Now he's bigger and better than ever on the alternate sites for YouTube and Twitter, which are Bit Chute and GAB, as well as his own sites InfoWars and
All of this occurred on the same day, August 6th, 2018, the same day the first atomic bomb was dropped. If you don't think this was meticulously planned and coordinated by top Elite individuals in the MIC who attend the Bilderberg Group meetings and Bohemian Grove, Trilateral Commission, and Council on Foreign Relations, among others, you are a dumb motherfucker. That is all.
Thursday, June 14, 2018
Random Paranoid Thoughts On Current Topics
The left wing media is so blatantly trying to force feed us the agenda of the corrupt Establishment and when we are able to look back in hindsight at some of the monologues guys like that cretin Brian Stelter, will be like watching Joseph Goebbels....these CNN and MSNBC anchors and analysts are modern day MINISTERS OF PROPAGANDA for the corrupt Deep State and Military Industrial Complex. Anyone who has the brain power, I urge you to read the PDF file on the Report on Iron Mountain which was released by FOIA, as well as researching Operation Cyclone, MK Ultra, and Operation Northwoods just to get your feet wet and see how the Establishment, which is made up primarily of the left, is basically just trying to suppress us all and keep the world at constant war, and force us into continually electing these career politicians who don't give a shit about you or your family while at the same time enslaving us in a system where we are forced to work and pay taxes to survive so that our government can pay back the infinite debt we owe to the Federal Reserve System.
The Establishment is corrupt as fuck and they are mostly made up of the Deep State Left, the career politicians who have been there forever and answer to the Elites of the world. They just want more Gov't control over all of us and to take more of our freedoms away. Trump is fighting against that.
The "Elites" of the world as stated above are made up of people from several different groups. They make up what is the Military Industrial Complex. This includes the Bilderberg Group, The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), the Trilateral Commission,The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), the European Union (EU), and the United Nations (UN).
Saturday, March 24, 2018
Muhammad Ali Was Poisoned
They don't say "Parkinson's Disease," because he wasn't diagnosed with it, he was diagnosed with "Parkinsons's Syndrome" which is a collection of symptoms that resemble the symptoms caused by the genetic defect known as Parkinson's Disease.
A syndrome is a set of medical signs and symptoms that are correlated with each other and, often, with a particular disease or disorder.[1] The word derives from the Greek σύνδρομον, meaning "concurrence".[2] In some instances, a syndrome is so closely linked with a pathogenesis or cause that the words syndrome, disease, and disorder end up being used interchangeably for them.
If an underlying genetic cause is not suspected but known, a condition may be referred to as a genetic association (often just "association" in context). By definition, an association indicates that the collection of signs and symptoms occurs in combination more frequently than would be likely by chance alone.[3]
The case of Muhammad Ali is absolutely unique. I will provide a list of the most well known boxers who fought in his era at the highest level and took as much, if not much more punishment than Ali at the end of this rant.
If you examine as many boxers as you can, in video interviews available anywhere online, you will notice none of them display the same symptoms that Ali did, nor is their mental decline very similar. Ali was rendered completely silent at a relatively young age for a boxer. The mental decline of almost all of the fighters listed below can be observed through watching interviews of any particular fighter in ascending or descending order. Ali, due to his well known speed and athleticism, height and agility, did not take nearly as much punishment as other boxers in his era, such as "Smokin'" Joe Frazier who had all his wits and was able to speak until dying of liver cancer at age 67, and cases such as "Irish" Jerry Quarry, full blown dementia and an early death. But it's essential to point out that Ali never suffered any form of dementia. He simply lost his ability to speak.
He is seen at age 71 playing chess with former Undisputed Heavyweight Champion of the World "Iron" Mike Tyson here only a few years ago...
For a brief period in the late 1980's and early 90's Ali displayed muscle spasms and "shaking" but this only lasted a few years. He is seen numerous times for long periods of time in public completely normal looking, wearing sunglasses, and engaging people with handshakes and maybe a word or two. But he was never seen speaking for long periods of time, and even just a few words caused him much difficulty.
Muhammad Ali was a massive threat to the US Government and the Military Industrial Complex (MIT), as well as other governments across the globe. His anti-Vietnam stance and draft refusal have been publicized and taught at schools in all grades everywhere. His stance that certain white men who had elite power status on the planet were evil and needed to be eliminated was heard by everyone. Once he retired from boxing, he could have very easily run for President of the United States and won in a landslide victory. To say that it is more than likely that the US Government and MIT wanted him silenced is an understatement to a massive degree.
I submit he was very conveniently silenced, but not physically "assassinated." Assassination would have caused a massive uproar and chaos in the country and the world, and would have been extremely obvious. The way it was done was much more sophisticated and meticulous, and less obvious, and took until it was far too late to even speculate about.
* Indicates person is still alive
Joe Frazier (died of liver cancer age 67)
*George Foreman (69)
Archie Moore (had over 200 fights, lived to be 81 years old)
Oscar Bonavena (Killed age 33 gunshot wound)
*George Chuvalo (81)
*Karl Mildenberger (80)
*Brian London (83)
Henry Cooper (Died of unknown illness age 76)
Zora Foley (murdered age 41)
*Joe Bugner (68)
*Ernie Shavers (73)
Ernie Terrell (died from complications with dementia age 75)
Jimmy Ellis (died of complications with dementia age 74)
*Chuck Wepner (79)
Cleveland Willaims (Had total 92 fights. Killed in car accident age 66, no dementia)
Mac Foster (died of MRSA, an infection age 68, no dementia)
Floyd Patterson (died of complications of Alzheimer's and prostate cancer age 71)
Ron Lyle (died from stomach complications age 70)
Jimmy Young (died of heart attack age 56)
Buster Mathis (died of heart attack age 52)
Sonny Liston (died young of drug overdose but never displayed any symptoms into his 50's)
Ken Norton (was in serious car accident after boxing career and cracked skull, remained able to speak normally after being in a coma. Died of a stroke at age 70)
*Larry Holmes (68)
Trevor Berbick (died of drug overdose)
Ali may have been poisoned with something to give him ALS, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, which is a motor neuron disease in which the neurons for voluntary muscles (In the lungs, heart, kidneys) degenerate and die.
Wednesday, February 7, 2018
Natural Organic Herbs Compared to Multivitamins and FDA Approved Medications
Organic Ground Rubbed Sage (1) :
Organic Cayenne Pepper Nutrition Data (2):
Organic Ground Ginger (3):
Ground Turmeric (4):
Further Reading and Sources:
Friday, January 12, 2018
Review of the Best Fights of the Year in Boxing 2017, One of the Most Exciting And Historic Years In Boxing
Roman "Chocolatito" Gonzalez vs Srisaket Sor Rungvisai
On March 18, 2017 at Madison Square Garden in New York City, Roman "Chocolatito" Gonzalez from Nicaragua came into the fight as the reigning WBC Super Flyweight Champion with a record of 46-0 after previously defeating Carlos Caudras in a 12 round UD, to face challenger Srisaket Sor Rungvisai (42-4-1, 39 KO) from Thailand. This was only Chocolatito's second fight in the Super Flyweight division after moving up from Flyweight.
The weight difference seemed apparent early on, as Gonzalez was knocked down on a hard body shot while off balance in the first round. He stayed down on one knee collecting himself until the count of 7, and it became apparent immediately how much stronger Sur Rungvisai was at this weight. Sor Rungvisai out muscled him and roughed him up with hard clean shots, and a relentless attack, going punch for punch with Gonzalez throughout the fight. It cannot be ignored however, that Sor Rungvisai committed several fouls including 3 or 4 very bad headbutts that caused severe bleeding from multiple cuts on Gonzalez's forehead and seemed to hurt him. Some of these headbutts did indeed seem intentional, and Rungvisai was eventually deducted a point, to even out the knockdown in the first round. In my opinion, and many others, the referee should have deducted a point earlier than he did.
Gonzalez, although having to overcome the devastating power of his opponent, clearly hurt Sor Runvisai several times during the fight, and landed clean and effective punches that stunned and staggered Rungvisai with good combinations to the head. But despite most of the press scoring the fight in favor of Gonzalez, I honestly had the fight 116-113 with 3 rounds even in favor of Srisaket Sor Rongvisai. It was a fantastic fight, one of the most exciting and dramatic fights I've seen in years that didn't include Floyd, Manny, GGG, Wlad, and all the main major players in the upper weight classes of the sport.
The rematch, held on September 9, 2017, proved that Gonzalez was not nearly in the same shape or didn't have the same will to win as he was brutally knocked out in the 4th round by Sor Rungvisai after also being knocked down earlier in the round. Sor Rungvisai will have a lot of tough opponents to face as the WBC Super Flyweight Champion, with a lot of good names out there that have great potential to be exciting and historic fights in the lower weight classes. This fight, and the rematch, are both an amazing story and war between two superb, excellent fighters that fought for 16 rounds in 2 fights toe to toe, non stop, giving everything they had. This may be the end of the Chocolatito reign, we will see where he goes from here, but he seemed a defeated, broken, shot fighter in the KO loss in the Rungvisai rematch. Either way, he was a great champion for a long time and beat a lot of very respectable and notable opponents during a long title reign and has cemented his legacy.
Sor Rungvisai will defend his title against Juan Francisco Estrada (36-2, 25 KO) on February 27th, 2018.
Anthony Joshua vs Wladamir Klitschko

Gennedy Golovkin vs Saul Canelo Alvarez