Thursday, June 14, 2018

Random Paranoid Thoughts On Current Topics

Barack Obama, a very sharp, intelligent man, extremely manipulative which in his defense, he had to be to pursue what he did, which was to become the first two-term president in history in which U.S. military forces had been at war for all eight years after he ran on bringing peace and bringing the troops home and all the same bullshit we've heard before, and just like everyone else, he lied to us. He launched airstrikes and military raids in at least seven countries: Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Somalia and Pakistan, and escalated the war from 2 countries to 7 during that time. Also he tried to cover up the Fast and Furious scandal which didn't work out too well. Also helped to destabilize the region by having Gadhaffi killed which allowed ISIS to form and become a force to be reckoned with (and this all leads back to Carter arming the Muhajahideen

The left wing media is so blatantly trying to force feed us the agenda of the corrupt Establishment and when we are able to look back in hindsight at some of the monologues guys like that cretin Brian Stelter, will be like watching Joseph Goebbels....these CNN and MSNBC anchors and analysts are modern day MINISTERS OF PROPAGANDA for the corrupt Deep State and Military Industrial Complex. Anyone who has the brain power, I urge you to read the PDF file on the Report on Iron Mountain which was released by FOIA, as well as researching Operation Cyclone, MK Ultra, and Operation Northwoods just to get your feet wet and see how the Establishment, which is made up primarily of the left, is basically just trying to suppress us all and keep the world at constant war, and force us into continually electing these career politicians who don't give a shit about you or your family while at the same time enslaving us in a system where we are forced to work and pay taxes to survive so that our government can pay back the infinite debt we owe to the Federal Reserve System.

The Establishment is corrupt as fuck and they are mostly made up of the Deep State Left, the career politicians who have been there forever and answer to the Elites of the world. They just want more Gov't control over all of us and to take more of our freedoms away. Trump is fighting against that. 

The "Elites" of the world as stated above are made up of people from several different groups.  They make up what is the Military Industrial Complex.  This includes the Bilderberg Group, The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), the Trilateral Commission,The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), the European Union (EU), and the United Nations (UN). 

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