Friday, August 10, 2018

Alex Jones Trying to be Taken Down by Our Corrupt US Deep State Establishment

Just like they had tried so hard to prevent and now take down Donald Trump from the Presidency because he is fighting FOR America and AGAINST THEM, the Criminal Elements of the Military Industrial Complex, in this context specifically the corrupt United States Deep State Establishment which is made up of many career politicians on both the Left and Right and are tied to pedophilia and child trafficking rings in this country, they now have begun their purge of Alex Jones. 

The Establishment has pressured and ultimately forced mega mainstream media outlets such as YouTube, Spotify, iTunes and Facebook to completely ban Alex Jones and all of his content from his self made news network and corporation, InfoWars.  

These media outlets are indeed private entities, but they have transcended that at this point and became a grassroots part of our culture and society and what they've done is utterly fucked up, corrupt, despicable and unconstitutional, and I look forward to this going to the supreme court. They were so desperate to silence Alex Jones that they had to make him a martyr, which just shows how influential and powerful he is, that the corrupt Establishment is threatened by him and has actually forced these massive corporations to take him off their platforms. Now he's bigger and better than ever on the alternate sites for YouTube and Twitter, which are Bit Chute and GAB, as well as his own sites InfoWars and   

All of this occurred on the same day, August 6th, 2018, the same day the first atomic bomb was dropped.  If you don't think this was meticulously planned and coordinated by top Elite individuals in the MIC who attend the Bilderberg Group meetings and Bohemian Grove, Trilateral Commission, and Council on Foreign Relations, among others, you are a dumb motherfucker.  That is all. 

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