Thursday, January 29, 2015

Georgia Guidestones and Transhumanism

I agree with the idea of the Georgia Guide-stones first commandment (basically says "keep human population under 500 million in balance with nature), but how are they going to eliminate 80% of the population?  This is just more proof that there are people who are in power and have money who want the population reduced and are going about making sure it happens, a simple and unmistakable example are the vaccines that Bill Gates has paid for out of his own pocket that contain chemicals that sterilize males and females so they cannot reproduce.  But they are for polio and other diseases that kill the sick disease infested areas in and around India and parts of Africa.  (One of many sources here) He looks like a great man, a hero, for doing this, and he is preventing an entire generation from suffering but he is also preventing future generations from being born.  I am glad he's doing it and hope it continues and is successful because there needs to be a drastic reduction in human population as every scientist will point out, and does if you chose to seek out this information and these debates, research papers, and speeches/seminars. 
The idea put forth by organizations such as Human +, founded by Dr Nick Bostrom, a transhumanist and futurist (he was hired by George W Bush to be on his cabinet to be in charge of "existential risk" which is taking into account everything that is done and how it will affect the possibility of extinction of our way of life or our race, there's plenty of information out there on government websites and credible publishers.)  And the entire goal behind organizations like Human + is to increase the length and quality of life, while the population is being reduced so we can have fewer humans and the ones who are allowed to survive will ultimately become near-immortal as we merge with technology. 
You are likely a transhuman, I am, many people we know are.  My friend, who has a titanium rod in his leg to hold his femur together after breaking it, is.  Transhuman is a human who has had their body or abilities augmented by technology.  If you wear contact lenses or glasses, you are augmenting your vision beyond the natural capabilities of your genes.  Thus you are a transhuman.  And this is the early stage, as vital organs are grown from stem cells in research labs, 3d printers are able to print out parts of the body such as heart valves, to replace organic parts that need replacing or else the host will die or live with disadvantages and inconveniences.

Watch this video, because I'm sure you are still having trouble grasping that this is real and actually happening and being discussed and worked towards right now, and has for decades.  It took me a while to come to terms with this and accept it as reality and accept that I will never be rich or high class enough to have access to most of these life extension technologies that will be available in the near future.

Just watch it and see where I am coming from with my (probably insane-seeming) point of view on certain things 
Nick Bostrom: Humanity's biggest problems aren't what you think they are

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