Friday, January 16, 2015

Packaging and Presentation

I'm currently working on and designing an album cover, back inlay and sleeve insert and CD label for my album.  Basically the whole CD package.  I am realizing now how HUGELY important the presentation and packaging of my music is, probably even as important as the music itself..or more so.
I was watching something, I forget what but it was about selling a product
and they said "as long as the package is nice and appealing, people usually will think whatever is inside is better than they'd think if it wasn't packaged nicely"
its all about presentation
for example:
I am a fuckin loser, lazy piece of shit human garbage,
but if I go into an interview with a nice haircut and shaved and look professional, awake, healthy, they aren't going to know that I'm a scumbag and they'll probably hire me
and if I'm the nicest most responsible guy in the world, if I go to an interview looking like a bum, I won't get hired
so if my music is packaged nicely, more chance people will think its good.  That is what I read on record label submission sites, and advice videos/articles about submitting your demo/album to radio stations and record labels.  It's all about presentation.  The music is only half the package.

Here are some images of what I've been working on for my album packaging.  The colorful, psychedelic image was drawn by my high school and musical buddy Sarah Reinold, and I just went into photoshop and used some tool to make it different colors.  The rest I made using photoshop and MS Paint and a CD label software.  Nothing amazing, but not terrible for my first attempt at making a full CD package, eh?  Let me know what you think.

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