Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Three Effective Supplements for Depression, Avoiding RX Drugs

What a coincidence that an FDA-backing website,,   reccomends NOT trying these 2 (5-HTP and SAM-e)  over the counter, cheap, easily available supplements that have received tremendously positive reviews for treating depression?


"Although SAMe and 5-HTP may have antidepressant effects when given in an appropriate way, there is no evidence that either compound would be effective or safe in the long term using the preparations sold over the counter in the United States and via the Internet. Neither can be recommended."

I encourage anyone interested in treating their depression without a psychiatrist who just wants to feed you experimental drugs with unknown long term side effects to research 5HTP and SAM-e, which are both legal supplements you can obtain at any pharmacy or drug store.  They have both helped me and probably many millions of others, but the Federal Government and the FDA have made great  efforts and taken great strides to prevent people from hearing about these supplements.  There are no commercials, very few advertisements, and every doctor I've spoken to has rarely ever heard of both, if not just one, of these supplements.  If you are battling depression, lack of motivation, boredom with life, do some research and see if this would be something you would like to try.

I've also read ad naseum in reports that these 2 supplements should be taken in the morning, and the vitamin L-Tyrosine should be taken at night for optimal depression reduction and a return to the energy, enthusiasm and perseverence we all once had before something triggered severe to moderate depression.

So, here is the short list of the supplements to look up and read about their anti depressant properties and comparisons to RX drugs:




UPDATE - November 17, 2014

I have not tried the L-Tyrosine but took the average recommended dose of SAM-e for nearly a month, maybe more than a month, with no noticeable improvements in my mental state.  I have tried 5HT-P years ago and just felt uncomfortable stimulation for the first few weeks, so I stopped, and probably didn't give it long enough to fully have a complete report on it's effects on me.  I have read mostly negative things about how it does not cross the BBB and is ultimately ineffective as a treatment for depression.

I plan to try the L Tyrosine with my Zoloft, and add SAM-e in combination with the Zoloft.  I am taking 50mg of Zoloft, half the recommended dose, so that it doesn't have the negative side effect, which puts me in a zombified state, where I feel emotionally flat and not happy, although not really depressed.  Just makes me very dosile and uninterested in anything, basically anadhonia like symptoms.  I definitely have an issue with anadonhia, I actually think that IS my main problem, more than anything, and I believe it was brought on by my chronic and sometimes very heavy marijuana use for over a decade.  I need to dramatically cut down, an dI have cut down a good amount, but it hasn't been for a long enough time to show noticeable results.  I sleep WAY too much and am WAY to tired for a normal healthy 27 year old male.  Something is wrong, and it is likely caused by my drug use, but I also believe I have nasal/inhalation/breathing problems and lack the sufficient oxygen while I sleep and even during the day because for some reason my respiration seems to be much more depressed than it used to be, or at least for a healthy young adult.  I breathe very lightly, and then I don't naturally start taking another breath for what seems to be an abnormally long amount of time.  AN dmy anxiety is surely caused by my lack of gaining sufficient oxygen.  I need to find out how to remedy this breathing issue. I will have much more energy and be much more productive and happy if I were just able to breathe better through my nose and my breathing was depressed as it is.

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